Thursday, May 14, 2020

Social Media And Anxiety From A Medical Point Of View

Social media creates anxiety and stress because it creates pressure to maintain an identity and live up to certain standards. But, it fails to be recognized as a real issue in young people because of the lack of attention from medical professionals. In this paper, I will analyze and gather research from multiple scholarly articles that give their opinion on social media and anxiety. Firstly, I will look at social media and anxiety from a medical point of view I will then collect information that suggests that social media is causing multiple feelings of stress, low self-esteem, and the faà §ade or fake lifestyle which puts pressures on young people today. Social media and anxiety are extremely relevant to today’s society. Especially now more†¦show more content†¦Davey’s research supports a medical article by phycologist Kerkar Pramod. Pramod argues that Social Media Anxiety Disorder is an actual, very real diagnosis for which we can receive treatment and even recovery tips. He states that this disorder contributes to other serious mental illnesses such as depression (Pramod). Acknowledging the disorder is helping many understand it as a vital factor of their stress, loneliness, and anxiety. Pramod and Davey both show the severity of what this addiction can do in their articles. Davey looks at the effects of social media and anxiety and explains the loneliness aspect of it (Davey). Yet, Pramod identifies the causes and symptoms which suggest several professionals including phycologists are aware of the illness (Pramod). However, whilst few acknowledge the disorder there does seem to be an overall lack of attention from most medical professionals. This is shown in the DSM. The â€Å"Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders† written by the American Psychiatric Association is the complete categorization and analysis of every mental disorder (Oquendo, et al). The DSM neglects to present a particular disorder which is referred to as the â€Å"Internet addiction disorder†. It is not categorized in their latest manual of DSM-5, 2013. Therefore, the disorder not being in the DSM, the most commonly used source for psychiatrists,Show MoreRelatedSocial Me dia Produces Anxiety And Stress Because It Creates1552 Words   |  7 PagesSocial media produces anxiety and stress because it creates pressure to maintain an identity and live up to certain standards. However, social media is not recognized as a real issue in young people because of the lack of attention from medical professionals. In this paper, I will analyze and gather research from multiple scholarly articles that give their opinion on social media and anxiety. 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